
About me

From Student

My schooling began with Montessori as a 3-year-old. I remember the sense of pride I had in setting educational goals like learning to tell time, tie my shoes and read.

To Teacher

My adult experience in the classroom began in 2011 as an assistant, working with children ages 2.5 to 6. That set me on a path toward a different educational goal: to become a lead guide. Time in the classroom requires evolving and observing the environment to make sure it matches the needs of each specific child.

To Parent

My understanding of how to guide children grew deeper with the birth of my daughter. My husband and I committed to raising her in a Montessori way and I applied my extensive knowledge and research into assisting my daughter toward independence. I spent 14 months at home cultivating our space to meet the needs of my ever-growing child.

To Consultant

As a consultant and parent I know how it feels to be stressed and need a hand. I provide that hand to give you the necessary tools to meet their child’s needs. I decode your child’s behaviors and supply you with the knowledge of how to use the tools and in turn reduce the stress of your child and yourself.